In 2018, Erasmus+ Project ‘Öğretmenler için Mesleki Tükenmişliği Engelleme Yöntemleri’ (Methods of Preventing Professional Burnout Syndrome for Teachers), 2018-1-TR01-KA101-055934 was approved by the Turkish National Agency. The project began on 01/09/2018 and it was successfully concluded on 30.09.2019. Within the scope of the project, 65 teachers and school directors participated in various courses and job shadowing activities in 9 different institutions in 6 countries.
The aim of the Mobilities was to gain skills, knowledge and experience about preventing or lessening professional burnout syndrome among teachers.
In order to disseminate modules, good application samples and experiences, we carried out the following dissemination activities.
Within the scope of the project, 65 participants carried out dissemination activities in 130 schools.
31 district national education directorates were informed about the project outputs by e-mail.
With the participating of 93 teachers from 31 districts of Konya and 3 representatives of Public Education Centre in Selçuklu, Meram and Karatay and 2 academicians participated in Good Samples in Preventing Burnout Syndrome Conference on 19.09.2019 in Konya.
The outputs of the project were shared on the EBA platform.
A report on the successful outcomes of the project was submitted to the Ministry.
ETwinning project named Methods of preventing professional burnout syndrome for teachers was successfully carried out.